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Secret Santa at Ivy Book Club
Sushant Lok 1

Secret Santa at Ivy Book Club

This December, the Ivy book club ushered in the Holiday season with a heartwarming initiative – A session of silent reading, where each member was free to bring in a book of their choice and read silently for an hour, a potluck dinner followed by each member playing secret Santa and gift wrapping a favourite book or author for the other members.

The evening unfolded beautifully, with a small but enthusiastic group of bibliophiles walking in, settling in cosily with their books and warming up to each other and sharing their reading lists.The conversation traversed from reviews, to ease of reading on kindle to sharing details about other must haves to make for comfortable reading. The warm mulled wine and the decorated X-mas tree of course created the perfect Christmas setting; a book lovers delight, the gift wrapped books added to the festive spirit ensuring all began the New year on a new note.
