The Executive Committee of the South City RWA was voted to power by residents with massive support, big fanfare, and very high expectations. As the general sec-retary of this Executive Committee, I am disappointed and completed disheartened with what has been achieved in the last thirteen months.
Listed below are a few important tasks initiated by the new EC:
• Initiated the changing of conductors and transformers by DHBVN.
• Development of new parks in Transparent manner without public fanfare.
• Releasing funds received from MCG for park maintenance in most transparent manner to various blocks.
• Collection of infra funds from ‘under construction’ houses and disbursement thereof to individual Blocks, which had never been done in the history of South City 1.
The EC team realises that all this falls short of the expectations from the new EC team. While it is easy to find faults with the Governing body, EC members, residents, MCG team and authorities, it will not do any good for the residents of South City1, nor improve our living conditions. A strong Resident Association with the involvement of residents is the need of the hour.
As members of the Governing body, in multiple communications over colony WhatsApp groups and emails since November 2022, we have requested all residents to become members and help us create a current database of residents and update the membership records.
To ensure that each and every household becomes a member and to fulfil our promise of a Collegium based RWA, a camp was organised to encourage residents to become members of SCRWA. This would also help SCRWA become eligible for a Collegium based RWA as the minimum strength of an RWA of this type, is one thousand. In this regard one more communication (with subsequent reminders) was circulated in the first week of November 2023 for a Membership camp to be held on 19th November 2023, for the following:
1. Enrol New members for SCRWA, 2. Correct information about existing members; 3. Collect recent photographs for issuing a new set of Member ID cards
The SCRWA, President, General Secretary and Treasurer waited for more than three hours to facilitate the above.
I am elated to announce that a total of 8 members engaged with SCRWA with the following break up.
1. 3 came to SCRWA office on 19th November 2023 for providing their information or photos., 2. 2 had sent emails to SCRWA team before 19th November 2023 with the latest information and photographs.; 3. 1 member requested for the latest photograph to be collected from his residence and that was done.; 4. I person communicated his inability to come due to Nagar Kirtan on the day. He was told to send the information by email and he complied.; 5. In addition, 1 person who had become a member recently checked if anything had to be done as she/he had become a member 4-5 months ago.
Considering such an enthusiastic response (J), we plan to announce one more such camp in December 2023.
If this level of enthusiasm (J )continues for the camp proposed in December 2023, I personally think that it is better that all Blocks manage their issues themselves (as a few are already doing) and we dissolve this RWA. Residents can share their suggestions and views about this article by sending an email to

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