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Say No To Plastic Bags
Malibu Towne

Say No To Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are a major source of pollution as they are inherently non-biodegradable. Although this fact is known to people, residents of housing societies hardly comply with the essential follow-up responsibilities. It is a pity to see many empty plots in Malibu Town littered with piles of plastic bags and polythene pouches together with dumped waste. Our RWAs ardently and regularly engage in the removal of plastic and poly bags from empty plots. New ones appear due to a couldn’t care less attitude among some residents and domestic helps.

The solution lies in the hands of the Residents themselves or the domestic helps, who directly report to the Residents. Some of us may have seen residential areas in cantonments as well as in Airforce and Naval stations in India. There is no such sight of plastic and poly bags and litter.

There is no reason why our very educated and upper-income group Residents fail to take any responsibility in this area. ‘ Let my house be clean, couldn’t care less about the roads and parks that are common use Areas ‘ is the prevalent attitude.

Govt instructions prohibit the manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and use of plastic bags which have high littering potential. The regulations effective from July 2022 are likely to be further revised in the near future.

The non-littering movement has to begin in the heart of Residents.

Construction material packings and domestic dumps are regularly cleaned by maintenance staff under the watchful eyes of Supervisors of the RWAs, yet more new dumping goes on.

Let us be community-minded for hygiene and clean appearances.
