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New Friends Colony

Save the Distressed Trees on Mathura Road

The health and well-being of trees are crucial for maintaining the beauty and ecological balance of our surroundings. However, there is a pressing issue concerning a tree located on the main Mathura Road, just before entering Friends Colony. This tree appears to be in distress, showing signs of decay and damage to its branches and trunk.

The condition of this tree not only threatens its own survival but also poses a risk to pedestrians and motorists passing by. Despite this, it appears that the executing department, PWD, has not taken appropriate action to address the situation in accordance with NGT guidelines.

As a concerned resident of the area, I urge swift action to ensure the preservation of this tree and others like it in the area. This may involve conducting a thorough assessment of the tree’s health and implementing necessary measures for its care and maintenance.

It is essential that authorities prioritize the protection of our green spaces and take proactive steps to address issues affecting the environment. I call upon the relevant authorities to intervene and take immediate action to save the distressed trees on Mathura Road.

Together, let’s work towards safeguarding our environment for future generations.
