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Sangini Club 36 Celebrates Husband Day
Sector 30, 31 & 36

Sangini Club 36 Celebrates Husband Day

Sangini Club 36 celebrted Husband Day on 25 March’23. The program was very well organised and was full of fun & laughter. In the function Sangini Club organised few games exclusively for gents & some common for both. The games were very interesting and quite enjoyable. All those present took part with sportsman spirit. The super seniors’ members were also honoured by way of presenting oxygen liberating plants as a token of respect. Not the least one round of housie was also played in which gifts were given to the winning members. The author organised some surprise games in which all members took part with great enthusiasm.

The function followed by delicious lunch. The vote of thanks was mooted by BPS Chauhan on behalf of guest members.

by Madhu Chauhan (98105 29119)
