This is the time of the year when Colony Parks are the most frequented for the much-needed sun. Coincidentally this the time when Flowering Saplings are planted for them to bloom in February. But sadly the hard work of Gardeners and money spent on Saplings gets nullified due to undisciplined children running and trampling over Flower Beds and the Sapling Chors.
It is natural for residents to expect a beautiful park blooming with flowers at all times, but no one keeps an eye out for people stealing Saplings or children running astray. A Park is an open public space with people pouring in and out, including many unidentified visitors. It is impossible for the staff to keep a watch on every person or their activity, but regular visitors can contribute by stopping children from running over flower beds or point out those stealthily stealing saplings.
If people feel insecure for fear of altercation, then they can at least call the guard and inform him about any such incident. On my recent trip to the park, I noticed a pattern, most saplings uprooted or stolen are the ones near Park Benches or out of clear sight near heavy bushes. But there are some bold ones who steal from the central beds around poles.
RWA’s put in a lot of effort and funds in maintaining Parks, which are the main show piece of any colony. E-Block is fortunate to have a very well distributed park for all stakeholders and a 550 sft Glass House for community gatherings, let all Stakeholders share responsibility and be the eyes & ears for the RWA to protect the Parks from Sapling Chors and Vandals.

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