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Sector 15A Noida, Uncategorized

RWA Requests Residents Not to Employing Servants Who Misbehaved with Earlier Employers

We believe that some domestic servants working for our residents sometimes make what the residednts consider unreasonable demands for increase in wages and when it appears to them that their demand is not likely to be met, they start misbehaving and threatening to leave before eventually quitting. It has also been observed that these domestic servants then join other residents and work for them for some time before leaving them as well for the same reason and do the same thing again. We, therefore, request our residents to conduct a background check of such servants, probably by identifying the previous employer and reason for leaving before taking them under employment.

Residents should be careful about reemploying such domestic servants who leave or are removed from their employment from another house as many residents do not make an issue out of any delinquent act or behaviour of such domestic employees as a bigger issue but simply remove them without either informing RWA or taking back their RWA Gate passes which had been issued to such employees against their houses. 

In the above circumstance, we request all our residents to take back the gate passes issued by RWA to the domestic employees when he or she leaves or is removed from the employment. Similarly, we would also request residents reemploying such domestic employees in their houses to make sure that such employees have left their previous employment for valid reasons. Of course, residents should keep in mind that asking for an increase in salary is a basic human right (hopefully slavery has been abolished) and we should pay fair wages and not exploit our workers. Stealing and violent behaviour, on the other hand, is a no-no.
