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RWA Blood Donation Camp

It was way back in 1942 during the Second World War when blood donors were required to help the wounded soldiers, that voluntary blood donation started in India. The gift of blood makes friends out of strangers. Every year our nation requires about 5 Crore units of blood of which only about half the requirement is met. People who require blood transfusions include : • Most patients who undergo major surgical procedures • Victims of road accidents or natural disasters • Individuals with an illness such as Thalassemia, leukaemia or kidney disease The objectives of holding Blood Donation Camps are to: • Encourage people to give a gift of life • To create wider public awareness about the need for blood donation. To encourage people to become Donors With this in mind, the Rotary Club of South City1 Gurgaon, along with the RWA of South City1, organized a Blood Donation Camp on the 5th of May 2024, at the South City1 Market (Arcade). An air-conditioned Blood donation vehicle with mandated equipment and procedures in place, and a team of eight medical and paramedical Staff were present at the Camp. Forty-five units of whole blood were collected at the Camp and the Donors were provided with refreshments after the procedure, which included glucose drinks, sandwiches and fruits. They were also given a gift as well as certificates. The catchword is bond. Bond with blood.Contributed by Rtn Reeta Kumar & Dr Savita Nagpal
