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RP-1 Comes Together For Electrician Brij Mohan

RP-1 Comes Together For Electrician Brij Mohan

Brij Mohan aged 50 yrs has been working as an electrician in Regency Park 1, DLF 4 maintenance department for almost 4 years. He is very dedicated and efficient in his work. He used to come for his duty from Delhi on his bike.  

Unfortunately, on 17th March 2023 while returning home he met with an accident and fractured his backbone. He was hit by a carrier tempo. He is admitted to AIIMS Trauma Centre since then and is on the ventilator. RP 1 residents are very concerned and are ready to help him on humatarian grounds in whatever manner they can.  

Residents have jointly collected close to Rs.95, 000/- for his medication and other day-to-day expenses for his family. EC also contributed Rs.20,000 for the same. All Residents are praying for his speedy recovery.

EC has also requested his employment agency to help him in this time of need.

by Col. Keswani (Regency Park 1, 9810718754)
