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Retreat Kids Have a Message For You

Retreat Kids Have a Message For You

Earth Day is a reminder that we must take some small steps towards protecting the planet from things like pollution and deforestation. And the first step towards this is acknowledging the problem and committing oneself to finding a resolve.

It’s heartening to see these young Retreatians care and pledge for the planet! Little Akash wishes everyone a Happy Earth Day. Seven-year-old Saanvika says : ‘Looking at the climatic condition around the world, we should all make small changes in our day-to-day lives, to help mother earth. I make it a point to try and save electricity as much as I can, I switch off fans and lights when leaving a room. I also plant greens to help the environment. And finally, I follow the principle of the 3 R’s- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We should all join hands to make mother earth clean, green and happy!’

Such small steps are so needed for the greater good of the planet!

hello, let’s make our earth green and clean so that we can have fun in future… All the v best… Says Anaisha Tiwari (7 years) little Mishika made a beautiful poster emphasizing planting trees, saving resources and recycling.

These young minds thinking for our planet and taking small steps towards conservation is a big assurance!

by Shampa Moitra (The Retreat, 8800948318)
