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Greater Kailash 1

Rest In Peace, Dearest Whistle

They say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. I disagree. Sometimes, you know exactly what you have- you’re just unprepared to lose it unexpectedly, in a sin-ister turn of events. The untimely demise of Whistle traces a similar trajectory. Popularly known as Oreo, Whistle was the blue-eyed boy of the gol chakkar and could often be seen lounging around the place. It was a common sight to see him sashaying in and out of the gates of the little park nearby, building rapport with pets and pet parents alike.

I jokingly used to call him ‘Whistle the diplomat’. This dog was so gifted at the art of relationship management and mediation that I had been meaning to write about his talents for quite some time. But alas! In a cruel twist of fate, I’m heaping praises on him, but posthumously. Whistle passed away in a tragic accident earlier this month. All of three and full of spunk, this angelic dog did not deserve the unnatural and painful ending that came his way. There are moments in life that make you wish you could turn the wheels of time and do things differently. Every time I pass the gol chakkar now, the poignant void left by Whistle’s absence screams at me.

Whislu, how I wish I could pet you more, baby talk to you more and sneak in more of those unhealthy treats that you so dearly loved, especially your favorite ‘safed peda’! The realization that I will never see you again is a very difficult one to come to terms with. You charmed your way into so many hearts, and all those hearts are pining for you.

Farewell, little sunshine kid. You will forever be the ‘goodest boy’, I promise!
