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Residents Push for Better Civic Amenities

Residents Push for Better Civic Amenities

A Collaborative Effort with Authorities

The Aawaz Volunteer Group launched a concerted effort in December 2024, holding meetings with MLA Shri Rao Narbir Singh and officials from the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG) and the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA).

During meetings held on December 1 and December 15, residents highlighted several pressing issues, including poor sanitation, inadequate footpaths, water scarcity, and the long-delayed construction of a community club. Garbage heaps, unkempt vacant plots, and clogged stormwater drains were cited as some of the sanitation issues affecting the colony. The inadequate manpower, deployed by DLF to maintain cleanliness, was also flagged as a contributing factor. Footpaths encroached by some residents for their mini gardens or potted plants leave pedestrians—especially senior citizens—at risk as they are forced to walk on the roads. Residents urged the MLA to conduct a survey and prioritize the restoration of footpaths with interlocking tiles to improve walkability and facilitate proper cleaning.

The MLA’s office responded promptly by coordinating with various agencies. It reached out to the MCG Joint Commissioner to address sanitation concerns, instructed the GMDA Chief Engineer to resolve water augmentation issues before the next summer, and directed DTPE (Directorate of Town and Country Planning) to engage with DLF on the club matter.

Additionally, the Aawaz Volunteer Group met with MCG Joint Commissioner Mr. Akhilesh Kumar on December 24 to discuss similar issues. The commissioner immediately initiated action by involving his team and contractors to resolve outstanding complaints, including a specific sanitation issue in M4/13. He also identified a functional dumping ground at Prempuri, Gurgaon, for garbage disposal. Discussions regarding footpath restoration with interlocking tiles were also initiated.

Residents and the Aawaz Volunteer Group are committed to following up with all concerned agencies to ensure these issues are resolved promptly. The collaborative effort has highlighted that, while DLF Phase 2 enjoys significant locational advantages, the lack of basic civic amenities undermines its reputation as a premium colony.
