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Resident Protest To K Block Tree Being Chopped!

Resident Protest To K Block Tree Being Chopped!

One lazy afternoon in June, K block residents were shocked to read this on the block WhatsApp:
“The ancient tree in front of where we live, that is, K-X South City – 1, is being cut down in the name of “pruning.” The workers claimed that permission had been granted by the Forest Department. I wonder how this permission (if it was genuine) had been obtained. We have been living here for nearly a quarter of a century. This tree is home to hundreds of birds, including dozens of parakeets. I am devastated.

Many residents objected. The owner of the plot was called. The permission was checked, and it appeared that the permission had been taken by providing incorrect information. Police and Forest Department appeared and the tree-cutting was stopped.

But, only for 2 days, the owner was able to get permission again and 2 of the 5 trees were cut.

South City-1, a premium colony in Gurgaon, has witnessed indiscriminate cutting down of trees and this has become a cause for concern.

Preserving trees in Gurgaon is crucial for the overall well-being of our colony and its residents. Here’s why we should prioritize their preservation:

Environmental Benefits, Health and Well-being, Climate Change Mitigation and Preserving Gurgaon’s Identity An extract from a poem by a resident, on the incident:

“A tree died
We saw it standing tall
for 20 years through summers and winters.
The birds fly bewildered.
They have just lost their homes.
Humans win- Really?”

by Ashwani Duggal ( GS SCRWA)
