Neighbours should be consulted before taking it up
Due to high real estate prices, homeowners often choose to remodel their existing homes to create additional space instead of buying a bigger house. Although this is a genuine reason, there are other reasons as well which motivate people to renovate their homes. However, the topic is not the reason, it is the process with which it is executed. In today’s competitive world, there is an unprecedented comparison among us on our lifestyles. There is a consistent urge for a house renovation, changing interiors and buying something new. Once there is enough motivation, planning is done considering factors like when the renovation can be taken up and how to execute it. We also consider things like if a child is appearing for an exam or if there is a patient or a senior citizen for ourselves. Do we ever consider asking our neighbours for the same? After all, it is they who have to bear the inconvenience as much as us. And they do not even get to enjoy the result of the renovation. So, it is only a sacrifice that they have to make. Things have reached extreme levels. House renovations have become the highest level of nuisance polluting the environment very badly. The loud noise level that too for a longer duration, heavy air pollutants, strangers around you, junk & garbage, obstructions in the common utility areas/public places, and much more. Not that house renovation should not be done, of course, it is necessary; everybody has to do it someday or other. The question is whether and how we can do it in a more considerate and polite way. When one renovates the house, it fulfils the owner’s aspiration and gives joy to his/her family, but for others, it is a mere sacrifice. So, is it not the owner’s duty to inform neighbours about the inconvenience, inform them for how much duration and already apologise for it? More importantly, check if there are any exam goers, senior citizens, or patients who might be affected severely and as far as possible adjust the schedule and duration to meet the convenience of the majority. In a flat scheme, if work in multiple flats in a building could be clubbed, it will give some relief, all pain in one go. During work execution, due care should be taken to minimize noise and air pollution. The biggest air pollutant is dust from tile/marble cutting and sound from marble finishing. The use of water during marble cutting will control dust pollution.

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