On December 25, the residents of Ram Vihar gathered for a morning of fun and games, marking the festive season with enthusiasm and joy. The weather gods smiled upon the event, blessing the day with clear blue skies and warm sunshine. As the residents assembled, they were seen clad in vibrant Christmas colours – red, white, and green – adding to the festive atmosphere. The air was filled with the sound of peppy songs, setting the tone for a morning of excitement and merriment. A range of games and activities were planned for children and adults alike, ensuring that everyone had a wonderful time. The events included flat races, three-legged races, needle and thread games, jacket races, and slow cycling races. A short walk for senior men and a musical chairs competition for women were particularly entertaining to watch.
The children had a blast participating in and watching the elders run in different races. The morning was filled with laughter, excitement, and a sense of community, making it a truly enjoyable and memorable day. As the games came to a close, no one was in a hurry to leave. The residents were basking in the warm winter sun, soaking up the joy and camaraderie of the morning. To keep the momentum going, a last-minute game of Tambola was organized, which drew a large and enthusiastic crowd.
Although no one claimed the snowball prize, the excitement of the game was palpable. The children were then treated to a prize distribution ceremony, where gift coupons were handed out to the winners. This innovative idea was a hit with the residents, who appreciated the thoughtful gesture. The morning’s festivities concluded with a delicious spread of chaat and savoury snacks, which were thoroughly enjoyed by all. As the residents bid each other farewell, they carried with them memories of a fun-filled and sun-kissed day.
With the success of this event, the residents of Ram Vihar are eagerly looking forward to more such programs in the coming year. As we step into 2025, we wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year, filled with joy, laughter, and community spirit.
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