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Quick Carrom Tournament in RP1

Quick Carrom Tournament in RP1

Tournaments and quizzes were an integral parts of life at Regency Park 1 which got disrupted due to covid. To revive this culture again, a quick carrom single was organised on 28 April 23 on a best of three knock out basis.

The tournament started at 1 pm and the final was played at 6 pm between Amar Prakash and KB Chopra. After a well-fought game, Amar Prakash was declared the winner. The tournament was played in the true spirit of the game. Most of the matches were refereed by Ashok Zalpuri, Chairperson of Cultural and Sports RP1.

The prize coupons of Rs 400 and Rs 200 to the winner and runners-up were given away by SK Yadav, President RWA during the function held later in the evening.

by Col Keswani & RP-1 RWA
