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Green Park Main & Ext.

Quarterly Report from RWA Green Park Main

This report is an account of all the activities that have been undertaken by the RWA in the April to June quarter.

First task undertaken by the new team was to conduct a security audit of all the entry/exit points of the colony to see how security can be improved. We have decided to install high resolution CCTV cameras at all the entry/exit points. This will enable auto recording of details of all the vehicles, that is required in case of any incident of theft or otherwise. This project will involve multiple steps, including getting a BSES connection in the guard rooms to power the cameras, getting a wi-fi connection, raising funds for purchasing the cameras, acquiring the right kind of cameras, correct installation etc. We have initiated this process.

Till this project is completed, RWA team is undertaking surprise visits at night to check the working of colony guards to maximize their effectiveness.

Last directory of our colony was printed in 2018 and we have initiated the process of data collection for the new directory. Information collection forms have been distributed across the colony to collect the latest details of every resident. And an online google form has also been created for those who are comfortable filling it online. We hope to bring out the new directory before this year ends. We need support from everyone to provide their details to us.

A property tax camp with MCD officials was organized at our office, in the month of May to help residents in filing their property tax returns. Many residents took advantage of the camp.

RWA team has started a new initiative, in which any member can meet the team on the weekend with prior intimation. This face to face interaction enables sorting out of many issues and we get valuable inputs from members.

RWA has always faced the handicap of funds crunch to undertake the work that they want to do. An appeal was made to all members to donate money towards various initiatives in addition to the yearly subscription and we are pleased to inform all that our members have been coming forward to do so. We appeal to all residents to become RWA members to strengthen our hands and help us in doing more for the colony.

Since members have been generous in donating to RWA, we have been able to undertake a major work of desilting of rainwater harvesting pits across the colony, which had been pending for many years. It involved an effort of almost 2 weeks of continuous monitoring and interactions with the agency doing the work. Our sincere thanks to all those who have donated and made this possible.

A major issue that has been repeatedly brought out by various members is the nuisance created by pet dogs. It has been seen that many residents walk their dogs without leash (inside parks and on the roads), which makes it impossible for children and senior citizens to use those spaces. They also create public nuisance by not cleaning up after their dogs. RWA got many boards with Dog signs printed in English and Hindi to warn dog walkers against this behaviour and gave them away to members for putting them in appropriate places. We request for every resident’s cooperation in solving this problem.

With the efforts of our MLA, Mr. Somnath Bharti, we organized a camp with DJB officials in June, to sort out meter reading and billing issues. Residents were able to get solutions to many longstanding billing problems in the camp.

Whenever a new building is being constructed in our neighbourhood, we all have faced problems. RWA surveyed all the buildings being constructed in the colony, got contact details of the builder/contractor and handed over a do’s and don’ts list to all of them. This is an ongoing activity.

One of the most important things that we were able to achieve in this quarter was to persuade our DC, Mr. Kumar Abhishek to visit the colony along with officials of all the departments of MCD. This visit of about 90 minutes duration, undertaken on the 11th of June during the most intense period of heat saw many of our members present along with almost the entire RWA team and enabled us to apprise him of many problems in the colony in terms of cleanliness, encroachments etc. Effect of his visit was visible in the days following the visit. More such visits are planned in the next quarter.

It is our pleasure to inform you that Green Park Association is coming out with a New Directory various drop off locations were identified for forms (paper) a part from data collection online. Thanks to all who helped. This iteration of forms will continue. We hope to get everyone’s support. Till now 141 online and 171 paper forms have been received (as on 20th June). Hopefully by Nov (1st week) New Directory will be ready for use.

Dog Sign Initiative

Dog menace (has gripped) has been a serious issue with all of us in Green Park

People walking the dogs without leash (in parks and lanes), littering with dog poop. (Friendship

Park, once a playground for children and walking area for Senior Citizen is)

Friendship Park, where our children used to play and Senior Citizen used to walk freely without any fear Psychosis RWA had ordered Dog Sign boards; around 40-45 in English & Hindi, to warn dog walkers. These have been given free of cost.

Green PARK RWA is very serious about tackling problems of residents for this purpose we initiated a novel program ‘MEET THE MEMBERS’. Office bearers are available on Saturdays and Sundays between 11-12 AM at G-6, with prior intimation.

Many have already availed of this opportunity and discussed their problems with us. Please come with your suggestions to made Green Park a model Colony.

Donation Drive

A new initiative has been taken to start a “Donation Drive”. We have already received Rs 66, 500. It will be great if residents come forward and help. Parity of funds is a major handicap to carry on social activities.

Security Audit: Security / Safety has been a major concern for us. We have a new septum in place. Surprise visits were organised part nightly to monitor guards. Very soon a road map will be made. An electricity connection will be applied for fixing light at guards’ rooms, for checking entry exist of cars.

D.C. Meeting: We are glad to inform our residents that with lot of effort RWA was able to get an appointment with the New DC – Municipal Corporation. He was kind enough to agree and visit Green Park. He walked around the colony, starting from the market to A, B, E, N and other blocks for 1.5 Hours in the scorching heat. We are thankful to him for giving us a patient hearing. He ordered some immediate actions like imposition of fine of Rs 50,000/-on Hyundai Showroom, clearing of shabby hut of MCD behind N-5 on 13th June – 2 days after his visit Drains near A-18 opposite Friendship Park were cleaned. We have been able to get confirmation from DC for his visit once a month, consecutively for next months. Impact of DC visit has been tremendous (we can put some pits of drain cleaning)

Meeting with MLA

RWA is in touch with our MLA Somnath Bharti with the good officers of our MLA, a camp with DJB Staff was organized at G-6, Green Park Extension from 11 to 2 PM, to discuss problems faced by residents like water billing, meter reading, etc.

Drains Cleaning: Desilting of RWH pits has started we will try that all pits are cleaned before the rains come. Cooperation of residents is requested.
