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Pursuit of a Simpler Life in the New Year’

Pursuit of a Simpler Life in the New Year’

In today’s world, where an abundance of social obligations and limitless digital distractions nearly drown out the voice of simplicity, it is even more crucial to connect with who you truly are.

Everything in life takes up space, whether it’s mental space, physical space, calendar space, we only have so much room! 

Scientists have measured the amount of data processed by an average person today is equivalent to watching 16 movies in a day thanks to the constant influx of information from TVs, computers, cell phones, tablets, billboards, and various other gadgets.

As another year draws to an end and we look forward to the new beginning, it’s a good time to step back and take a look at different elements of your life and identify what’s working and not working for you.

There are of course, so many ways to simplify and we can even complicate the process of simplifying by trying to do all at once. I know what it’s like to feel inspired, make those long lists of new year resolutions and jump into following it to the T. It can be pretty exhausting and one is more likely to give up midway. 

How about picking up one thing at a time?

The life that is spread out too far and wide, why not narrow it down and make 2 essential lists:

a) What do I want more of in my life

b) What do I want less of in my life

The answers to these questions will provide a direction in where to begin. For instance, if the goal is to spend more time with family, we could start by allocating an extra 30 minutes each day. Instead of attempting to wake up super early, why not aim for just 30 minutes earlier than usual?

Similarly, rather than committing to daily journaling, we could adopt a simpler approach, like reflecting on our day using the Rose, Bud, and Thorn method either nightly or weekly. Want to hit the gym every day? Start with a more achievable two-day schedule per week.

Want to practise meditation? Begin with a small goal of 5 mins every day.

If the idea is to follow a healthier diet, perhaps begin by consuming slightly less of your current intake rather than diving into a crash diet.

These small, incremental steps hold immense power in contributing to the improved life we aspire to. It is more important to get started than to get it perfect at the beginning. Consistency is the key to building a sustainable relationship, even with oneself. By taking these manageable steps, we pave the way for a simpler, more fulfilling life.
