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PRWS (RWA Of A Block Extn.) Holds Its AGM

PRWS (RWA Of A Block Extn.) Holds Its AGM

RWS held its AGM on 20th Apr’24 in the lawns of Mr. ML Kapoor’s house # A-48/44. About 50 residents attended.

The President Mr. RK Jain opened the meeting by introducing the executive committee and then giving details of the last year’s expenses. Next came Ms. Poonam Jain, General Secretary, who updated on the previous year’s achievements and the initiatives planned for the coming year. In the end, there was an open house for the members to raise issues.

A few points were discussed in the meeting: Traffic woes due to KKK school buses, especially on street # A27, Installation of CCTV cameras, Steps taken for enhanced security, Disposal of dry tree leaves and horticulture waste (productive usage by converting them into compost in some facility outside).A focus was also made on adding new members and collecting outstanding annual subscriptions.
