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Protecting Our Greens From Heat
Malibu Towne

Protecting Our Greens From Heat

As the city swelters with record-breaking heat, saving our green cover has become more important than ever before. Our horticulture team has been upto the task with full vigour, taking vital measures to protect our greenery. A new patch of grass has been laid across many parks. The grass cover traps the water below and helps in keeping the land cool. Since the heat starts increasing after 10:00AM leading to water evaporation, a new watering schedule is being followed. The tractors are on the job for 16 hours instead of the usual 12. The watering starts at 6:00AM and goes on till 10:00AM. It resumes in the evening and goes on till 22:00 hrs. The interim period is used to clear the parks of horticulture remains such as dry leaves and pruned branches etc. 

Many of our parks remain,to be covered with fresh grass. This shall be done once the weather becomes conducive to support the new plantation.  In the meantime, let us acknowledge and applaud the efforts of our team that have taken up the challenge against the weather Gods and ensured that our greenery remains intact. 
