Today, protecting existing trees in the neighborhood is a challenge. Urban studies have highlighted the positive impact of trees in not only reducing ambient tempera-tures, dust levels and improving the micro-climate but also on the emotional and mental well-being of human beings. With more and more houses at plot level undergoing transformation and densification, street side trees are losing out to parking/ access to stilt level parking. Falsified claims to remove trees are common and the RWA often fights a losing battle against economic gains. Architects and designers too seem to succumb to client pressure and fail to design with the intent to retain trees.
In the last one week alone, our RWA has come across two cases where full grown healthy trees, which are very much in the setback zone, not affecting stilt parking almost becoming mute targets to merciless felling. In the first instance, our vigilant security supervisor raised the alarm as he noticed the on-site labour trying to cut the branches of a healthy, full grown Neem tree which was at the rear corner of the plot. The on-site team initially claimed to have necessary permissions to cut the tree but on insisting that they show the permission they backed out saying they don’t have it. The RWA gave strict instructions not to touch the tree. To our dismay the builder’s team again tried to cut the tree in the afternoon with an electric saw and quickly chopped a few branches. The RWA team managed to stop the cutting and informed the police. The builder finally agreed to revise the plan of his building and promised to save the tree. We sincerely hope the tree sprouts new branches next year and help improve the micro-climate around the plot. The officials from the Forest department visited the site and advised on measures to keep the tree safe.
In the second instance, the Builder of plot adjacent to the B block park has been instructed to ensure no deep excavation happens on the park side of the plot as the park has around ten trees right adjacent to the boundary. In addition, this plot too has a tree at the front corner of the plot, which would not affect access to the stilt parking.
The counter argument by the Builder or owner is that they will plant more trees in lieu of the one they want to remove and pay penalties. Our argument is that you can’t replace the value of a 20- to 30-year-old fully grown tree with saplings. Data shows that compensatory plantation has very little success rate. This is an acceptable solution only if there is absolutely no design solution and affects the viability of a project.
If every plot owner or builder decides to cut down trees then very soon the colony roads will be bare, and we will have a rise in temperatures and dust levels. The RWA takes a very strong stand against any felling of trees. The excellent tree cover we have is an asset we need to protect not only for our own health but also that of our children.
It is time the MCD includes location and size of the trees on plots as well as adjoining the plots as mandatory information before sanctioning building plans. It should also include periodical monitoring to ensure the trees in front of the building under construction are free of willful encroachments. The NGT and Forest department too need to look at norms for healthy periodical pruning.
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