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Promote Reuse of Plastic Bags
Sector 15A Noida

Promote Reuse of Plastic Bags

Hand them over to your grocery store! While it is everybody’s effort to personally stop using plastic bags, and rightly calling for its total ban, you could at least ensure the plastic bags that involuntarily come your way are re-used several times before they reach the eventual recycling stage. Reuse reduces demand for fresh plastic bags. Even while we carry cloth bags to the market to avoid usage of plastic bags, most of our home deliveries arrive in them. If these go into the garbage bin there is hardly any chance for them to be reused. So once you have a bagful of (plastic) bags, give it to your local grocery store to reuse. They will gladly take it as it reduces their cost of bag procurement. Is it not a wonderful win-win situation! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Try it !!
