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Priyanka Didi & The Young Learners Of Malibu
Malibu Towne

Priyanka Didi & The Young Learners Of Malibu

Walking in Malibu’s Vine Street Park is a pleasure. About a month back I observed a young lady who looked more like a college student; she was sitting on a bench in this park with a group of children about 25, sitting in front of her and learning. 

Walking closer I asked the teacher – “These children may be in different classes; how do you manage the knowledge gap among kids from 3 to 10 yrs age.”

“Uncle, most of them do not go to any school,” she said. I saw their notebooks with English and Hindi short words written along with corrections. Some kids were doing addition-subtraction sums.

I gathered that this coaching class is from 5 to 6:30 pm every day. The next day I went to the park before 5 pm. The kids were there in good strength waiting for Priyanka Didi (Vine Street), their teacher. I asked an older child whether teacher Didi is a college student. I learnt that she is a housewife living in the opposite house on Vine Street. She gave all her students new notebooks to work on. 

Turn by turn the children go to her to show their work which she corrects. The children feel encouraged and are regular in this informal Pathshala in Green Environs.

A nice Didi! May God bless her and the aspiring poor kids. By her dedication, Priyanka may be able to train them to reach a reasonable level of Literacy. 

The story of a young Resident of Malibu Towne, Priyanka Thakran (Daughter in law of Sh Satpal Thakran) is a role model for Malibuites !

by Jasbir Singh (6 Ashwood, 98180 55245)


  1. Rajiv Khanna

    Inspiring. More power to Priyanka for invaluable service to the lives of these children.

  2. Harleen Kaur

    Wish there are many more people like Priyanka didi. Very good share
