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Princetons’ Blooms of Spring- 2

Princetons’ Blooms of Spring- 2

The time of the year when the winds are pleasant and the sun warms the soul,the sleeping bodies hidden from the chilled waves move out from slumber to open wings and fly.The cold seeds sprout to new life and the dead grass blades start turning green.Cloudless Blue skies stand up as a canopy to these colourful beauties called Flowers.They silently break the silence of the Solitude They are so charming that no one can leave them attendance. Princeton too is all blooming with a variety of flowers ranging from poppy,marigold,sweet pea,petunia,panzy hibiscus and many more.

AmitaNatu a resident  P3C 26, is a curious nature admirer and loves to capture it through her lens.She shared a few of her shots revealing these colourful souls.

Flowers not only add colours to your life but enhance your mood. Blessed are those who live in sync with Nature.
