Fire of Sector Politics Engulfs Even Collegium of Senior Citizens
The fire of sector-26 politics reached even the senior citizens welfare association. The President of Collegium DR Wadhawan first resigned on the whatsapp group in a huff but later withdrew it citing request of his fellow friends.
The President Wadhawan resigned on 24 Oct 2023 on WhatsApp Group of Collegium of Senior Citizens. Immediately thereafter the Gen Sec Sudhir Puri issued a notice on 25 Oct that the meeting of the executive committee to be held on 30 Oct will be chaired by any one of the Vice Presidents as per the bye laws of the association as President DR Wadhawan has resigned. It seems on seeing the notice the President changed his mind and sent a withdrawal of his resignation the next day in the same WhatsApp Group.
On 30 October when EC meeting started in between DR Wadhawan and Vice President RK Bajaj walked out of the meeting. General Secretary requested them to attend the meeting but they turned down his request. The house appointed Vice President PL Kapoor to chair the meeting but because the forum was not enough the proceedings became invalid.
General Secretary Sudhir Puri informed the house that the then President DR Wadhawan earlier after the EC meeting on 17 August 2023 instructed me to remove Balbir Singh Sandhu Jt Sec from the membership as he had argued and misbehaved with him regarding the approval of four applications lying pending with the committee.The Gen Sec advised the President that we cannot remove any of the EC member unless or until he is proved guilty and or he does any work against the welfare of the association. The President did not take this well and threatened that he has the power to dissolve the entire Committee and will also not renew the pending registration of the Collegium. The General Secretary told that if the Registration of Collegium Senior Citizens Welfare Association is not renewed then the authentication of Executive committee is null and void.
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