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Plantation Drive In Jahanpanah By Ankit Chauhan
Greater Kailash 2

Plantation Drive In Jahanpanah By Ankit Chauhan

“He that plants trees loves others besides himself” – this is true of Sh. S.M. Agarwal – the person behind the special tree plantation drive held in Jahanpanah city forest on 27th July 2024. A resident of the colony since 1998, and a nonagenarian – he is passionate about the forest he has been nurturing over the past decades.

This drive was special in many ways. It was graced by Sh. Ankit Chauhan DCP (South). Accompanying him were Sh. Ashok Vishnoi Additional DCP and Sh. Yogeshwar Singh SHO C.R. Park. The DCP planted 5 trees  – that included Arjun, Neem, Jamun, Moulsari, and Kadamb. Sh. S.M. Agarwal took the concept from the Mahabharata – the Pandavas had asked for five villages from the Kauravas. These five trees symbolise the five villages. Every village has five “Panch’s” or heads also called “The Panch Parmeshwar”. This concept was well appreciated by all. The trees have also been chosen after careful thought as they have innumerable benefits.

The trees have been adorned with nameplates carrying the name of the tree and the name of the person who planted it. It is not just about planting a tree but nurturing it well – hence signifying that the person who plants is also the caretaker. It is also said that when one plants a tree – one also plants oneself. Nameplates will help future generations identify and understand the immense benefits these trees can give in addition to the green cover, oxygen and pure air.

It would also be important to mention that Smt. Angel Bhati Chauhan (wife of Sh. Ankit Chauhan ACP) contributed immensely to the maintenance of the forest when she was Chairman of the monitoring committee empowered by the Supreme Court before her transfer to DC Central Zone Lajpat Nagar. On the occasion, the Lioness Club District President felicitated Sh S.M. Agarwal with the Golden Lioness Award – for his outstanding contribution towards the tree plantation project. Without the felicitation, the occasion would have been incomplete.

The weather played truant and soon it began to rain. People had turned up in large numbers and sought relief under the shelter. It was only apt that samosas be served as refreshments which are enjoyed by one and all.

Trees teach us to stay rooted while soaring to great heights. Together we need to preserve the forest, securing this immense treasure for the future of all our children.
