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Plantation Drive in Imperial & Kalypso
Sector 128 Noida

Plantation Drive in Imperial & Kalypso

The climate crisis, flooding and massive devastation are due to manmade mistakes of not caring for nature and playing with it for human greed.

The above is a lesson for us.

Fortunately, we have realized that we must mend our ways. To restore nature, we have to plant trees in a big way. Otherwise, it will be difficult for our race to survive.

A tree is our friend. It clears air and reduces global warming. If we plant a peepal tree every 500 yards, there will be no pollution. Trees like bargad, jamun and neem are the most oxygen-generating trees.

Keeping this in mind, we have taken up a plantation drive in a big way, with massive support including financial from the residents with no questions asked.

We have been able to plant 1200+ trees in ITKT complex. Overall figure in Wishtown would exceed 7000 trees till date. The drive is for planting more shrubs and herbal plants which would be planted in due course of time.

Our slogan is “Plant a tree, live younger. Clean air around you. Birds will make nests, enjoy birdsong. Support a tree, lead a healthy life. Coming generations will remember you.”
