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Defence Colony

Petty Thefts Continue in Def Col

Def col has become vulnerable to petty thefts due to shortage of security in the colony. The police is also trying its best but due to shortage of man power, the beat constables are hardly seen in the colony which is the main reason for these thefts. The latest thefts are of sewer covers, garden pipes, shoes, clothes, plants etc which is happening even during the day time. As there are no day-guards in the colony, and most of the gates are open throughout the day, the colony is open to crime as anyone can reach your house or floor without any hindrance and can execute crime as per the convenience. These thieves pose as courier boy, food delivery boy, kabaddi-wala, bank staff etc and easily enter your houses to undertake any illegal activity.

We at Samvada request all the concerned authorities to do something drastic to safeguard the residents and their property from the criminals. Following are some suggestions from the residents:

• Make Def col a gated colony with 24/7 security to keep the residents safe. The security charges have been doubled in the last few years but no improvements in the safety of the residents. If the security is better, more residents will start paying annual charges;

• Pl coordinate with the police department top depute more staff for regular beats to question more and more outsiders who keep roaming in the colony throughout the day

• Pl also improve the street lighting in the colony to clear all the “Dark-Spots “

• The residents also need to be educated to install CCTV and other security measures to secure their own houses.
