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Persistent Power Outages Plague DLF 4

Persistent Power Outages Plague DLF 4

For residents of 13th Avenue DLF-4 and its surrounding areas, the flickering of lights and the sudden silence of appliances have become all too familiar. Frequent power outages, lasting anywhere from 12 to 24 hours, have cast a shadow over daily life, causing inconvenience, damage to equipment, and a growing sense of frustration among the community.

Despite the rising demand for electricity, the infrastructure and facilities have failed to keep pace, resulting in erratic voltage levels that pose a risk to both household and commercial appliances. The situation has reached a point where it is not just an inconvenience but a significant impediment to the quality of life in the area.

Residents have reported that these outages not only disrupt daily routines but also lead to food spoilage, loss of work productivity, and, in some cases, damage to sensitive electronic equipment.

The root of the problem lies in the aging infrastructure and the inability of the current system to handle the increasing load.

Possible solution to this could be Privatization leading to better service, more reliable power, and ultimately, an improved standard of living for residents.
