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PE Celebrates Intl Yoga Day
Panchshila Park

PE Celebrates Intl Yoga Day

Our 5000 years old yoga & meditation recognised world over as the best way to keep us healthy, physically & mentally. Thanks to our world-famous PM Narendra Modi, who made 21 June as inter national Yoga Day. Our Holiday Club celebrated the day with all the enthusiasm. President Arun Rajpal and General Secretary Gaurav Bhardwaj, made it a big success. They gathered all the Yoga groups of the colony on one platform, in the front lawns of the Holiday Club.

The sky being overcast, the cold winds made it so pleasurable to do yoga under the renowned Yoga Guru Dr Satya Narain Yadav. He made all the present do easy yoga & meditation & insisted to make it a daily routine & regime to stay fit & healthy. About 50 did the yoga regime as directed by him & about 50 were spectators, who did sitting yoga and meditation as much as they could. After yoga, a nourishing breakfast added to the glory of the day. Fruits, veg. kinua, poha, idli sambar, sandwiches, almond butter, dalia served so warm an fresh gave a five star feeling of having a healthy breakfast. A cup of tea & coffee was an icing on the cake and fulfilled the requirement of a hot soothing beverage. Let’s keep the importance of yoga and meditation in mind and adopt it as a daily regime, to keep fit & healthy.
