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Park of The Month: Park No. 3
Sun City

Park of The Month: Park No. 3

Located at the heart of Suncity, Park No. 3 was in a state of neglect, in need of a helping hand. That’s when an exceptional individual stepped forward, committed to making a positive difference.

Manju Verma(F36/FF) started this mission entirely on her own, dedicating herself to revitalizing the park. She kickstarted the transformation with her own funds, showcasing unwavering commitment. Her dedication didn’t go unnoticed, and soon, the Resident Welfare Association (RWA) recognized her efforts, providing invaluable support. Abhimanyu Khanna, too, joined the cause, offering moral support and contributing plants to breathe new life into the park.

Her role went beyond financial contributions. She became deeply involved in the park’s care, tending to the greenery, guiding the gardeners, and even handling online orders for plants. She had a particular fondness for seasonal plants, especially roses and gular plants, known for their medicinal benefits.

Over the course of a year, she treated the park as if it were her own child. An E Block resident also pitched in, contributing aloe vera plants and valuable advice, fostering a sense of community spirit.

Her passion didn’t stop at the park’s boundaries; she introduced 57 flower pots from her own collection. While there were challenges in the form of uncooperative residents, the Residential Welfare Association (RWA) stepped up to offer much-needed support, reinforcing her resolve.

The transformation of the park was nothing short of astounding. With the addition of hibiscus, seasonal flowers, calendula, and poppy, the park now stands as a vibrant and beautiful space. Her love for roses persists, and her goal is to plant even more for the neighbourhood’s enjoyment.  
