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Sector 61 Noida

Parental Pressure On Children During Exams

All parents are in the same boat when it’s about exams or sports competitions, and when we feel the pressure we pass on the same to our kids.

One of the main reasons for this pressure is peer pressure where we want our kids to be the best in class. We think when other kids can get 90% then my child can also do the same.

But we, being adults, should understand that education is important but guiding our child and his interests in the right direction is also equally important.

Some kids panic under parental pressure and start misbehaving to hide their fear or they stop sharing their concerns with us.

So in the interest of our children, we should take a step forward to understand our child and his interests. We must teach our child the importance of education by guiding him/her in the right direction and not bury them under our pressure.
