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Out with the old and in with the New! Carlton gets a new facelift!  

Out with the old and in with the New! Carlton gets a new facelift!  

by Anushree Bindal

The new buzz in the DLF Phase 5 club drive is that Carlton is all set to re-emerge in a brand-new avatar and no, I’m not talking about the James Cameron version! The New Carlton has broken free from run of the mill pink color and embraced a new shade altogether. 

Mr Tharwani, along with his team at CECA have been instrumental in orchestrating this new change by ensuring that the color scheme choice is that of the majority of the residents (tenants included).

Live colour scheme painted on Carlton one for residents

A PDF file was shared with all the residents on My gate app and on the whatsapp group showcasing the building covered in different color schemes (around 5 schemes), requesting them to vote for the one which the residents like along with that in order to give the residents a real time feel of the color combinations, a part of Carlton 1 was even painted to help the residents in the voting process.

Shade card shared with residents

Based off the votes received the color scheme with the highest votes was chosen. 

“The idea was to ensure every resident feels like an equal part of the color selection process- I did not want it to be just a CECA based decision, we all are a big family and hence I thought it was prudent to get everyone’s input.” – Mr Tharwani.  

The residents chose a combination of grey and white, and without further delay the work has officially begun in Carlton 1. Whilst the response has been mixed, with some disliking it to some loving it, our neighboring societies seem to be enjoying this new fresh look and have complimented the choice of color made whilst contemplating taking a lead from Carlton in their respective societies too.   

Thank you to Team CECA, for giving each resident an opportunity to be a part of the decision-making process and for getting each resident involved. As for me, I am quite excited to see the new Carlton in its brand-new shade. 
