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Our “Friendly” Guests!
New Friends Colony

Our “Friendly” Guests!

Our friendly, homo sapien friends, are all over New Friends Colony. Their favourites are the, A block and parts of B and C blocks. Earlier too, there have been complains, of residents, on the antics, of these monkeys.

They ransack the terraces, pull out plants, tear clothes drying on the clothes line, take a holy dip, in the water tanks! They raid the kitchens and even, open refrigerators to pull out their favourite foods. A resident complained, that the monkeys, stole her guards tiffin and he had the audacity to eat it all, in front of the poor owner, of the tiffin.

They are a danger to the residents, as they attack, if opposed. A visible threat to children too. Definitely the MCD has to figure out ways, to get rid of them, from residential colonies. Other colonies have been using a sound gadget which scares monkeys. Life size placards of langurs are being planted at the entry points of the monkeys.

A resident of GK, has been using the services of, Mr Prashant Sharma ( 9654444096), who makes life size cutouts of langoors, which are planted on trees and railings. They also connect the mobile phone to a speaker and play “ roar of the lion”, sound and play it at full volume. These two methods are quite effective in driving away the monkeys.  Residents of nfc, can also use these methods to shoo away the naughty monkeys.
