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Our Community Dogs Are Our Stray Buddies
Gulmohar Park

Our Community Dogs Are Our Stray Buddies

We have, amongst us in Gulmohar Park Journalist’s Colony, some 18 community dogs at present and though not universally appreciated they are a lov-able lot, each in his or her own way. All they need is a full stomach and some loving care.

At present, they are all neutered and vaccinated. They have reflective collars to protect them from being run over in the dark. They are dewormed frequently and whenever the need arises, they are given medical attention and advice through NGO’s and our colony vet.

Yes, some of them are territorial or get ferocious occasionally, but these are the ones who have been ill-treated in the past and are scared and distrustful of strangers. However, they act as watchdogs and protect their lanes from “suspicious” strangers, loud motorbikes and scooters, and warring dogs from other lanes. It has been noticed that when an aggressive dog from another lane threatens a pet from their lane they will all stand up in its defense.

Recently, a poster competition was held in Waulden School in which posters of these adorable co-habitants of our colony were made by the children. They not only enjoyed themselves thoroughly, but it helped them empathize with the community dogs and lessen their fear of them.

Last but not the least we must mention Anjali Gopalan’s org.- “All Creatures Great and Small” and Dr. Devi’s “Animal India Trust” in Lajpat Nagar who extend their support on concerns that are faced while caring for the strays . Also, Anjali’s advice on issues relating to Community dogs is very useful. She got us to team up with the Stray Buddy Project which involves the children of the community.
