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Sector 40 & 41 Noida

Online Classes Open Doors for Children from Humble Backgrounds to Achieve Academic Excellence

In a remarkable example of determination and community spirit, online classes have transformed the academic journeys of children from humble backgrounds, allowing them to achieve distinction in their subjects from the comfort of their homes.

Using widely available platforms, the volunteers named Ms. Aditi Srivastava , Ms. Nidhi Sharma and Ms. Surbhi Sharma set up virtual classrooms where students could log in and attend lessons from home.

As the children adapted to the new mode of learning, their understanding of the subjects deepened, and their confidence grew. Regular assessments and interactive sessions ensured that the students stayed on track, and the supportive environment encouraged them to ask questions and seek help whenever needed.

Over time, the impact of the online classes became evident.  Students began to show significant improvement in their academic performance. When exam results were announced, the children scored distinctions in the subjects taught through the online program. Their success stories stood as a testament to the effectiveness of the initiative and the potential of online education to transform lives.
