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Of Independence Day, Newly Elected Managing Committee of RWA and Residents Expectations
Sector 50 A-E

Of Independence Day, Newly Elected Managing Committee of RWA and Residents Expectations

77th Independence Day was celebrated at the Community Centre by the newly formed RWA. The flag hoisting was done at 10:00 am followed by singing of the National Anthem. Many senior citizens, children and families took part in the celebration. A cultural programme was organized in the Community hall and patriotic songs were sung by a group of schoolchildren and some professional singers. The retired soldiers from Army, Navy and Air Force residing in the sector were felicitated. The celebration concluded with tea, snacks and sweets for all. 

   New Managing Committee led by Sh. Mool Chand Gupta has been mandated by the voters to look after the welfare of the residents. Community living is an essential part of civil society and ensures that certain tasks are required to be carried out by the newly elected managing committee of the RWA. 

The first and foremost thing is the interaction of the RWA with the residents regularly to get their complaints/grievances resolved and get feedback immediately. The feasible suggestions should be welcomed by the residents for consideration and execution if found suitable for the betterment of the Sector. This exercise need not be physical but can be done through a WhatsApp group created by the RWA only for the residents for specific purposes related to the welfare of the sector.

This type of group named “RWA 50 Sujhav/Shikayat” was earlier created by RWA and it was working well. But for a long time maybe a year or so, it has been restricted to the extent that only admins can send messages. Hence the said group is not interactive anymore and is merely a one-way communication like a News Channel where one can just read the contents but cannot react reply suggest or upload complaints/grievances.

      The residents expect RWA to resume the said WhatsApp group and allow the residents to write/upload the complaints and also give feedback for further improvement in the redressal of grievances.

The other works as stated in the election manifesto should be done on priority in addition to day-to-day cleaning of the roads and drains, and repair/covering of drains. The beautification of the sector can be done by putting up traffic signage, removing unwanted/unauthorized cables/wires/banners/advertisements etc. 

The main road from Main Gate to Neo Hospital can be made more beautiful and user-friendly by putting benches and flower pots alongside. The security and traffic management can be improved to prevent inconvenience to the residents.

The Samvada team plans to visit the RWA office next month to take feedback on the action taken on the expectations of residents as mentioned above. Even the expectations of RWA office bearers from the residents, to make the sector a better place to live, will also be compiled and published in the next edition of Samvada as a community curriculum.  
