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Nritya and Sangeet Sandhya By Hosla And ‘We Are One’ Trusts
Green Park Main & Ext.

Nritya and Sangeet Sandhya By Hosla And ‘We Are One’ Trusts

Nritya and Sangeet Sandhya by Hosla and ‘We are one’ trusts was organized by Rotary Delhi Central Charitable trust in PHD House recently.

The program started with Ganesh Vandana.

The PHD House auditorium was jam packed with an audience of about 400 people. They were there to enjoy the Sufi sangeet & Nritya by differently disabled specially challenged  individuals,  organized by Rotary Club of Delhi. One of the main organizers was Poonam Jain, resident of D18 Green Park Extension,  multitalented – being a singer, composer, writer, dancer, cook, social worker and teaching in Gyandeep GPM school for underprivileged children. A thrilling performance touched everyone’s heart.

Sufi sangeet was from Hosla Charitable Trust for differently abled & visually impaired. It spread the message of equality and dignity, eventually converting  their skills into a financially viable proposition. Trust was founded in 2014 by Ms Kehkashan Tyagi, who has been associated with Braj Kala Kendra, Delhi, ICHR, Rotary IICC etc. having vast intercultural experience, nationally and internationally. She always believed “recognition is a great cure for building confidence empowering the disabled strengthening they will to fight against all odds” This will change the mindset of people for them.

‘We Are One’ is another group, chaired by Mr Husnain who is himself disabled and a professional classical dancer. His trained group has already performed in 15 countries. The message he spreads is “We do not need mercy, just want an opportunity” Their name is registered in Guinness World record, Amravati National award, Dance India Magazine award, Shaurya Achiever award, Women Entrepreneurship award and India Pride award. These two groups also support their education.

The audience was so impressed and moved by their effort and gave such an impressive performance that everyone donated. Total contribution came to about Rs. 46000/-. Rotary Charitable trust also gave an incentive of Rs. 10000/- to each participant.Hard work and selfless devotion is highly appreciable.  

1 Comment

  1. Shakun Singh

    Excellent work for under privileged and differently abled children. Congratulations👏👏
