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Now Plastics from the Greens
Sector 92 & 93B

Now Plastics from the Greens

Till now you all must have heard of plastics as product from factories or that which is discarded and seen in the trash, we too believed this. But our team was astonished to see 2 maalis plucking out plastic bottles from the short trees that adorn the corners of the A-block Park, Sector 93B. On our round of the sector, 2 weeks back, we saw 2 maalis taking out plastic bottles from which appeared to be a healthy thick short tree. We caught ‘that moment’ on our camera and stopped to talk to the maalis about to trim the tree. For them it was nothing new. They said that such used plastic they usually find among the bushes and trees. Do we really care for natural things apart from when we worship?
