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Nonviolent Protests
Sector 100 Noida

Nonviolent Protests

Everyone knows what happened in West Bengal recently. The case put women’s rights once again into the spotlight and showed us just how unfairly women are treated in many parts of India. When it came to light, many people took to the streets to show their concern and support for the lady and anger towards the West Bengal government.

Indians are known for banding together to fight for the right thing; that can be seen throughout our history like when we banded together to fight the British. Since the colonial era, we have learnt and have become known for nonviolent protests, i.e., where we protest against injustice in a manner which does not harm the environment and public property and instead shows a civilized manner of showing discontent against any injustice/ issue.

Forms of nonviolent protest are candle marches and prayer meetings which have been held whenever we have felt the need to honour the dead and demand justice for them. Lotus Boulevard too organized a prayer meeting to show respect for the lady who was brutally raped in West Bengal and to stand against women injustice throughout India.

Many might think that a nonviolent protest does not achieve anything, but it actually does. It shows that the people are with the person who was aggrieved and demand justice for them. Hence, its symbolic power is much greater and impactful than any violent protest.

Boulevard supports women’s rights; the prayer meeting in our amphitheatre was a great way to show that and also to respect the doctor.
