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No Time Like Spring Time
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No Time Like Spring Time

There is indeed no time like Spring time, no matter which part of the world you stay. The beauty of Spring quite literary, brings a ‘spring’ to ones step, ushering happiness and joy all around. The burst of colour, the chirping of birds, the buzzing of the bees, the cool winds and the soothing sun’s warmth, all contribute to a heady cocktail of experiences that is incomparable to any other season.

The season of Spring is even dearer to residents of North India, who look forward to its coming after the cold winter months. It is indeed the time the world reinvigorates and life sprouts from every corner. It is also a very nostalgic season for many as one fondly remembers that lovely picnics with family and friends, children chasing butterflies in the open gardens of NCR and the unmistakable sweet sound of the ice cream cart bell. 

But for many, the everlasting image of Spring is the sheer colour pallet that it offers by way of its flowers – as we can see in our society, Palm Grove in every hue, shape and fragrance imaginable. It just makes one wonder at the marvels of nature, its creations and most of all its balance, sense of design, eye for detail and super workmanship… there is hardly a flaw in any of its creations.

The Magic of flowers, I believe, is mood lifting and our cities welcome it wholeheartedly by way of Garden Festivals and Flower Shows. While Delhi puts up a spectacle to behold with its Tulip show at Shantipath, Noida too had its very own annual Flower show. This year too saw tremendous participation from all plant and gardening enthusiasts that brought in their floral exhibits, with almost 70 kinds of blooms in display, it was indeed a visual delight for visitors.

However, for me, the main joy of Spring is its invite to step outdoors, enjoy its various festivals, plan outings, eat and mingle once again.

Bloom of the front flower bed in Palm Grove.
