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Greater Kailash 2

No Place To Walk ForPedestrians

We recently came across an incident in the M block of the colony, the M Block Road to be specific. One store of the M Block Market had organised Bhandara on the road and as such a major portion of the road was occupied because of it.

One resident saw a woman walking unsteadily weaving in and out of the space occupied by people waiting for the Bhandara food. In all this milieu, a car driven by another lady seems to have grazed the foot of the pedestrian. This caused a bit of a hue and cry because the lady pedestrian appeared to be in a lot of pain. In due course the resident and the lady driver assured all help to the injured party and somehow the issue seems to have gotten wrapped up.

The question here is not about the injury or the accident. The point of focus is the way all the pavements are encroached upon by vendors leaving no space for walking to the pedestrians who are compelled to walk on the road. And when such bhandaras take place occupying even the sides of the roads there is no choice but to walk in the middle of the road trying to miss the oncoming traffic. Another issue is the use of styrofoam cups and plates which are then unceremoniously discarded by the sides of the road leaving the entire street littered.

Distributing food on occasion in the form of bhandaras is an act of charity which is very much welcome, however the resultant mess is not only not welcome but is something that needs to be corrected by one and all. Hopefully this article will get the message through and such incidents will be a thing of past.
