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New Friends Colony

“NO” Feeding Monkeys Pleazzzz…zzze

The entire colony is quite troubled with the presence of monkeys, with their number continuing to grow with every passing day. One look at the monkeys and their energy shows that they seem to be full and not starved at all. And and and….this was confirmed when just a few days ago, whilst on a stroll to enjoy the winter sun, it was noticed that a resident was merrily feeding these little ones…..!!…gosh !!!…what a contrast to the action of steps being taken by other residents to ensure that the monkeys vanish from the vicinity. 

Though feeding monkeys may seem harmless, yet, it can lead to numerous significant problems for both the monkeys and residents. For instance, monkeys that are regularly fed by residents may develop a reliance on these food sources, losing their natural foraging skills, feeding may lead to more frequent encounters between monkeys and humans which can result in aggressive behavior by the animals, monkeys may enter homes, raid garbage, or invade gardens, creating unsafe situations for residents and potentially leading to property damage.

A few residents have, in fact, reported damage to their car by a group of monkeys and a minor attack by the monkey on a pet cat. This particular incident may now sound amusing, but it was not at the time of occurrence when the group of monkeys stationed themselves in the driveway of a residents’ house-found their way to the lunch bag of the guard-figured out how to open it-and vow….they had a feast!!!

All residents need to take responsibility and refrain from feeding monkeys as this may seem harmless, but it poses significant risks to both human safety and wildlife health. To promote coexistence and protect these animals, it’s important to refrain, and, instead support conservation efforts that respect their natural behaviors and habitats. Hope, the residents feeding the monkeys will understand…and stop doing so immediately.
