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Sushant Lok 1

New Year for B Block Sushant Lok I

eam of following young and motivated persons is taking charge of this block long neglected:

1. President          Luv Tandon, Cartered Accountant

2. V. President      AVM Khatri

3. Secretary          Mukesh Malik, Chartered AQccountant

4. Addl. Secy.        Vinod K R

5. Treasurer           Arun Gupta Chartered Accountant

I am sure with three Chartered Accountants in the team financial position of CWF will improve to bring better services for living conditions.  May I take this opportunity to congratulate the team with all the best wishes.

 Mr. Sunil Sharma and Naqgpals have started in a very enthusiastic manner to improve the look out of the block in a bright way. Shall like to convey gratitude to them on behalf of residents.

Following few problems I would like to bring forth to the attention of the new Executive Committee:

!. Make a plan for improvement of the block so that each and every resident of the block becomes an active member and contributes his subscription to make it block of unity;

Security aspect deserves top most priority as there had been in the recent past many instances of theft.

2. Sewage clearance is also assuming new proportion beause of the construction of four stories increasing load on it. If it is not taken care with the cooperation of MCG It is likely that sewage fro individual residents may gety blocked..

3. One solid requirement is getting cooking gas in the kitchen through pipe as  many of the colonies are getting drone. The executive Committee must take it as a task to be accomplished…  

There may be many other areas for improvement, but let us not load the new members too much so that the main objectives are not achieved.

by A K Jain B 172 A Sushant Lok I
