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New Land Lease Agreement Will Scale Down the Future of the Club
Sector 15A Noida

New Land Lease Agreement Will Scale Down the Future of the Club

Club Members Are Totally Confused

Past president and the founder of our Club, PK Kaul, had the vision, clout and expertise to get Noida to sign the thirty- year lease agreement on his terms.

This laid the foundation of a prosperous sector club. He even got Noida to allow construction of a bank at the start of the Club construction. He got the bank to give the Club a ten-year rental advance, which gave the Club enough funds and a fillip for construction.

During the early years, the restaurant on the ground floor was in such a run-down condition somebody sitting there once commented that it looked like the DU (Delhi University) canteen. That’s when Kaul Saheb requested Inderjit Sial (the then-Director of Oriflame) to join the Club managing committee and help bring about a big change. In the subsequent years, Sial grew the Club to another level completely.  A few years later, Sanjeev Sareen, with hospitality industry expertise, joined the Club management and took it to its present peak.

It is a law of nature that anything which goes up must come down, and it seems that the new lease agreement handed over to the RWA will bring the Club on its track down and back to its DU canteen days.

It will be sad if the Sector is not able to find the ability and clout to halt this fall and get Noida Authority to change the new agreement and give us back the old one to put the Club back on the way up again.

Some present executives have been blaming Kaul Saheb’s decision of allowing non-resident executive members to be part of the Club executive committee. They don’t realise that actually the fault lies in our present politically-inclined residents who have become such strongly divided (even abusive) lots that the non-residents, even though in a minority, are able to take advantage of this division.

My article may appear not in good taste, but it should ring alarm bells for residents, especially in our youngsters (who fortunately are a very cohesive group), so that they can take charge as Sial did in his early young days, and take the reins from the seniors and put the Club back on track.
