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New Green Initiatives
Sector 104 Noida

New Green Initiatives

The AOH Green Souls group has been quite active these days, thanks to the weather transition. Members are busy with lots of transplantations.

Sunaina Chaturvedi (11121) was overloaded with her creeper plant ‘callisia repens’ aka turtle vines & gave away plenty of its cuttings for hanging baskets.

Vrinda, an active member of ‘Give Me Trees Foundation’, sold organic turmeric & dried moringa leaves from her NGO farm at affordable rates.

Ruchi Agarwal (5081) has formed a beautiful corner in her windowsill by collecting broken stems & discarded cuttings and putting them in water. With the onset of spring, those plants have developed well grown roots & shoots and are happy in their living space!

Arun Talwar has efficiently grown mustard & is delighted to have home-grown mustard seeds from his balcony garden.

Roli Thapar (11142) is setting up her own farm from scratch through her Permaculture knowledge. She’s growing native trees & grasses on most of the land and fruits & vegetables on the remaining part. She’s named her farm Vidyavan.

by Vandena Bal (HNo.11021, 9911146882)
