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Sector 50 A-E

New Executive Committee

Mahagun Morpheus RWA held their annual elections on 26 March. The newly appointed committee was elected unopposed. The quorum welcomed the new EC whole-heartedly. The new team comprises – President: Arti Bhatt; Vice President: Purshotam Mason; Secretary: Ashok Kumar; Joint Secretary: Himani Singh; Treasurer: Vikram Batra; Tower Representatives: Praveen Garg, Ruby Jha, Narendra Manral and Madhvi Joshi.

Fire Extinguisher Workshop

MMRWA EC organised a Fire Extinguisher Workshop at its main gate on Sunday, 30 April. The agenda of the workshop included giving demonstration of the fire extinguishers and training to operate the fire extinguishers. With summers approaching and heat wave expected to hit the city very soon, it is prudent to be prepared for any unfortunate incidents. With that in mind, office staff, security, housekeeping staff were trained on operating the fire extinguishers. Residents were encouraged to attend the workshop and familiarize themselves with the functioning of the extinguishers. Capt. Sablok, a trained expert conducted the workshop and shared useful information.
