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Nature Walk In Sunder Nursery
Greater Kailash 2

Nature Walk In Sunder Nursery

GK2 Residents numbering 26 and guided by Abha Batra went on a nature walk on 2nd March 2023 to Sunder Nursery to enlighten themselves with the world of trees.

Sunder Nursery is a 16th-century heritage park complex adjacent to Humayun’s Tomb, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Delhi. It is spread over 90 acres and is open from sunrise to sunset. It contains over 300 types of trees, making it Delhi’s first arboretum with over 280 native tree species. Apart from this, there are around 80 types of bird species, 36 types of butterflies, rare trees such as a Pink Cedar (the only one in Delhi), flowers, and a bio-diversity zone.

Some important trees in Sundar Nursery are- Kanju (Indian Elm) – Usually grows to heights of 18 metres. The seeds produce oil and most parts are used for medicine in Indian subcontinent. Sapsucker woodpeckers have a great love of young elm trees.

Chamrod – This fast-growing small tree is found commonly in Delhi. It blooms from spring through summer with white, fragrant flowers that cover the tree in dense clusters.

Putranjiva – It is a famous, moderate-sized, evergreen tree, growing up to 12 m in height. Bark and leaves are used as medicine; fruits are used as medicine for rheumatism.

Arjun – It blooms from May to June, and its fruit matures from January to March; bark and gum are highly valued in Ayurveda.

The park was in full bloom which made the visit memorable. I am thankful to Abha Batra for such a delightful opportunity to experience the beauty of nature in a peaceful and serene setting. We ended our visit with breakfast at FAB Café in Sundar Nursery.

by Rashmi Bakhshi (9899993712)
