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Nandakumar Received the Prestigious International Jurist Award
Greater Kailash 1

Nandakumar Received the Prestigious International Jurist Award

Personality of the Month

S Block is lucky to have S Nandakumar as a resident & Member of SBWS.

Nandakumar received the prestigious International Jurist award from Justice KG Balakrishnan, Former Chief Justice of India, in an impressive ceremony on 27.08.2023. The function was held at National Law institute, New Delhi. The function was organized by Dr Adish C Agarwala, Sr Advocate, President of International Council of Jurists, London, Chairman, All India Bar Association & President, Supreme court bar association.

The other dignitaries present on the occasion were Justice Ashok Bhushan, Chairman Company law appellate Tribunal, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India, Justice Vineet Saran, Chairman Ravi Beas Water tribunal, Former Judge of the Apex Court and GS Pannu and many others.

Nandakumar is a resident of S Block for the past few years. He did his BA Economics & MA Political science from Madras Universatity, LL.B from Bangalore University & LLM from Annamalai University.

He started his practice with B Gnanadesikan, Sr advocate in 1988 at Madras High Court. Shifted his practice to Supreme court in 1991.

Nandakumar is a Life member of many prestigious institutions like IIPA, Institute of constitutional & parliamentary studies etc. He is practicing in all branches of law & has appeared as Group A Sr Panel Lawyer for GOI, especially for CBI, Finance, Defence, Railway Board, Delhi Govt., Delhi Police & many other departments.

Presently he represents & appears for National High ways authority, National Human rights commission, BIS etc. He is a legal adviser for several globally renowned companies in India & abroad.

We wish him all the best. S Block is proud to have him as a resident.
