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Musical Nite in Ridgewood

Musical Nite in Ridgewood

If a candle-light dinner of sumptuous delicacies and cool cocktails is to be made even more memorable,it must be through music.

On 2nd December residents were entertained by a professional group of singers and musicians. In spite of the drop in mercury, the session lasted for more than 3 hours, starting at 6.30 p.m. Music lovers braved the cold, unmindful of the weather. A group of seniors as well as young residents danced to regale the audience, thus adding to the gaiety. To help matters and keep warm, an array of cuisine stalls were in attendance, dishing out hot and spicy food to suit all tastes. Hot tea and coffee too were flowing, many a cuppa per head. Kudos to the cultural committee spearheaded by Vandita Gupta and her team, who planned and managed the event with dedication.
